Hello ACS Families,
Here are your updates for the week ending on Friday, April 21, 2023…
What’s Happening?
Every Monday & Wednesday Evening: Middle School and High School Youth Group led by Eric Ochoa 6pm – 8pm in the Youth Center. Join us for fellowship, friendship and fun!
April 23 (Sunday): Mother-Daughter Tea – We regret to inform families that the Mother / Daughter Tea Party is canceled this year. We look forward to putting on a really great event for our Moms and Daughters next year and will be looking for someone to be the lead on planning this event. If interested, please email Bri at [email protected]. Thank you for understanding.
April 29 (Saturday): ACS Family Field Night: Our 2nd Annual Family Field Night from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on the ACS campus. We’re gathering to celebrate spring and the start of the final stretch of another great school year at Annunciation. Food, fellowship, and sports – volleyball, basketball, soccer – await kids and parents alike. Please sign up to bring food or a beverage. Food and Drink sign Up for Family Field Night
April 29 – May 7: Spring Food Drive: As the summer months approach food stores such as Fry’s, Safeway, and Walmart will cut back on their food inventories, which in turn reduces their food donations to the Foothills Food Bank, in Cave Creek. To offset this, Annunciation School, SVdP, and the KofC will combine efforts and conduct a food drive. The purpose is to replenish those lowered food levels, which in turn are allocated for “those in need”. Thank you for your support.
April 30 (Sunday): Mother-Son event. Register here for the Mother and Son Event by April 26. The event is from 1pm-3pm. Join us for Nerf games, pizza, and park play at Desert Willow Park 4040 E Desert Willow Pkwy Cave Creek, AZ 85331. Cost: $15.00 for the first mother and son and an additional $10 for each one after! Please bring lawn chairs! Register by Wednesday, April 26 Snacks and water Sign Up. If you can contribute, we would be grateful! We hope to see everyone there!
Future Happenings
May 1 (Monday): May Crowning beginning at 9:15 in the church, ending in the courtyard. See the flier for all the details.
May 3 (Wednesday):
- No school Mass, moved to Friday, May 5.
- May Family Dine Out Fundraiser at Chipotle on Carefree Hwy. Join us for food, fellowship and fun.
- Very Important Parent Meeting at 6:30 pm: Digital Safety for Adolescents and Teens. Nationally known speaker and author, Dr. Lisa Strohman, will be at ACS to present to parents on digital safety and parenting in a tech-addicted world. Parents of all students, even the younger ones, should attend this event. The more you know (and there is a LOT that we don’t know), the better you can protect your children. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Add this event to your calendar. Open to all adults so feel free to invite a friend!
May 5 (Friday)
- 8:15am School Mass followed by a presentation on Fatima for grades 4-8. The traveling Our Lady of Fatima statue will be in our church all day (more info to come). This is also a half day and the talent show at 11:00
- Talent Show rescheduled from Catholic Schools Week. Showtime is 10:45 am. Performance information sheet is attached. Must be received by April 28, no exceptions.
- Early dismissal at noon. No extended care, no lunch.
Summer Programs visit Summer Camps and Programs | Fun Activities (acsphx.org)
June 5-9: Saint Camp at St. Gabriel Open to all students K -8 – Around the world with the saints! 8am – 2:30pm, flier attached. Register Today!
June 12-16: Bricks4Kids Lego Camp (registration details attached.) Register now at Bricks4kidz.com/494
June 19-23: Camp Invention is returning to Annunciation! led by Mrs. Cullen and Mrs. Cunningham. You can register now at https://www.invent.org/programs/camp-invention Please join us for Camp Invention this year. We anticipate the camp will fill up quickly with outside registration. Please email Mrs. Cullen with any questions.[email protected]
Discount Codes if you register before May 17th: WONDER15 (save $15) SIBLOVE30 (save $30) two or more students SIBLOVE40 (save $40) three or more students
June 26-30: Bricks4Kids Lego Camp (registration details attached.) Register now at Bricks4kidz.com/494
Lunch Program
Our new Lunch Program is now available through Dishes 2U. Meals may be purchased up to 11am the day prior. There are 5 vendors each serving 1 day of the week. When you purchase your student’s meals, please make sure you go to your cart and submit. The cart should be empty. If there is anything left in the cart, it will not be ordered and therefore no lunch for your student. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call Dishes 2U customer care or the office. Starting April 1st, Chick-Fil-A every other Tuesday, in addition to the current vendors.
Volunteer Opportunities
ACS Volunteers
Complete your Safe Environment Training with CMGconnect . All training is online – renewal (Online Renewal for Lay Persons -Safe Haven Part 3) and 1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training Safe Haven-It’s Up to You. Your safe environment training must be completed prior to volunteering on campus. Please complete it as soon as possible.
MobileServe App is used to track all volunteer hours. Parents, please create an account. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school. View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available. Thank you for being part of the ACS Community. URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty in the months of April and May! Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student! Plus, we need your help! Please visit Mobileserve and look for Lunch Duty April 2023.
Have a great weekend!!