Annual Appeal
Annunciation Catholic School's Annual Appeal is our yearly campaign to raise funds in support of the daily operating budget. All Catholic schools are faced with the same need to make up the difference between expenses and tuition. This shortfall is addressed through a variety of fundraising events including the Annual Appeal to keep tuition affordable for all families.
The annual fund makes a tremendous and immediate impact on all education programs. It enables the school to respond to urgent and ongoing operational priorities including enhancing the academic and enrichment classes like Spanish, art, music, and physical education. It provides our school the means to attract and retain talented faculty and staff and helps secure salaries and benefits for all. Finally, it provides the necessary technology for students and staff, along with outfitting our campus with greater safety and security.
Annunciation provides an excellent education because of faithful supporters that share in our mission. We are making a difference in the lives of children who grow up knowing how to serve others before themselves. To have respect for others. To live by their faith and to encounter the living Jesus through their daily routine of prayer, weekly Mass, praying the rosary, and experiencing the Sacraments. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a gift of any amount. Every pledge signifies our community’s commitment to our mission