Here are the updates for the week ending on Friday, March 15, 2024…
What’s Happening?
March 27, Wednesday: Purchase your 2023-2024 Yearbook and Yearbook Ad. Books will be handed out the last week of school to each student who ordered one.
March 15-17, Friday – Sunday: Frozen Jr. the musical performed by the ACS students. Tickets available at the door for $25 VIP (if available) and $10 general seating. Support the performing arts at ACS! March 15, Friday at 7pm, Saturday, March 16, at 2pm and 7pm and Sunday, March 17 at 2pm.
March 18, 19, 20, Mon- Wed: Parish Lenten Mission @ 6:30pm in the parish hall. Dr. Paul Thigpen presents The Last Things: Death, Judgement & Heaven (Monday), Purgatory & Hell (Tuesday), The End of the World (Wednesday). This event is free but please RSVP The Last Thing. Everyone is encouraged to attend!
March 23, Saturday: Annual Daddy & Daughter Dance 6:30 – 8:30pm, ACS Outdoor Pavilion. Invitations are being sent home with all ACS girls. Reserve your tickets here:
Coming up!
March 26, Tuesday – What Every Parent Needs to Know about Technology Addiction, Social Media Harms, and the Impact of Technology on Brains and Learning by Dr. Lisa Strohman.
Location: 6:30pm in the Parish Admin. Building D, 2nd floor. (enter from the side entrance)
The parents who attended on Jan. 17 were very glad they did and urged us to bring Dr. Strohman back so more parents can learn about the many, and always changing, dangers facing our children online.
The dangers and pitfalls of the digital world are real and continue to expand. If you care for your child’s physical, social, mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual health. We strongly urge you to attend this special event and learn strategies for protecting your child from the real threat of digital addiction.
Set aside one hour to learn how to protect your child in the digital world. Please see the attached flier and check out Dr. Strohman’s books at the links below. She will be providing a presentation to students in grades 5-8 on Monday, March 25. Unplugged and Digital Distress
March 28, Thursday:
- Field Day! Lots of fun for all the kids. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on Mobile Serve to help on the day of the event and to bring snacks.
- Early dismissal at 12pm. – Staff Development meeting.
- If you can’t come to the event, please Sign Up now for Snacks and water.
March 29 Friday: No School, Good Friday.
April 1 – 5, Mon. – Fri.: Easter Break, no school.
April 13, Saturday: Evening Under the Stars – Polynesian Paradise! Adults only please.
This year’s theme is Polynesian Paradise is sure to make you feel like you’re on vacation! Join us to celebrate Catholic education with friends and families of ACS. Pre purchase your event tickets, fresh Hawaiian lei’s, drink tickets and raffle tickets. The auction items will begin to pop up in the next few weeks so you can start bidding. Look for the trip to Hawaii!
Extra Curricular News
Camp Invention is coming to ACS this June! Please join us June 17th-21st. See the Camp Invention flier for registration information. Email Mrs Cullen if you have any questions – [email protected]
March session: Strong Minds Run Club! This club transforms traditional running drills and games to teach character strength and empowerment principles including confidence, resilience, integrity, growth mindset, and goal setting to name a few! Students will do lots of running, have FUN in the fresh air, and practice invaluable life lessons. Register NOW:
Lego Club registration for spring sessions are open. Register online at For more information or questions Email:[email protected] P: 602-723-0476
Chess Club: Registration is open at Chess Emporium. Session runs through May 1. The club meets on Wednesdays after school 3:10pm – 4:10pm
Dance Club: Tippitoes offers ballet, tap and Jazz meets weekly on Mondays 3:10 – 4:10 pm. Enroll at:
Volunteer Opportunities
ACS Volunteers: We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers.
- If you have not completed your Volunteer certification, please visit our Volunteer Service web page for complete information. This must be completed before you can volunteer.
- Download the Mobileserve App! Signup for volunteer opportunities and is used to track all volunteer hours. Parents, please create an account. Instructions are attached. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.
- URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty March 18-22. Lunch duty opportunities are available at Mobile Serve. Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student! Plus, we need your help!