Weekly Update – August 23, 2024

Dear ACS families,

Here are your Friday updates for today, August 23, 2024…

What’s Happening?

August 27, Tuesday: Community Prayer in the parish hall at 2:20pm

August 28, Wednesday: School Mass at 8:15am.

August 30, Friday: Early Dismissal at 12 p.m. No lunch, no aftercare. Staff meetings.

September 2, Monday: Labor Day, no school.

Coming Up!

Castle Quest Aqua Run: Our Castle Quest Aqua Run fundraiser kicks off soon! Our goal is to raise $88,000. These funds will partially subsidize the difference between education cost and tuition income. The difference is $2,338 per student.

As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s Donation Page at MyBooster.com. We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers 3 important things to our school community:

·        User-friendly fundraising platform

·        Character enrichment program

·        Fitness-focused event that includes ALL our students regardless of financial participation

Sign up online at MyBooster.com8/27/24
Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 9/10/24
Event Day – 9/20/24

More details to come!

Purchase your advertisement space at https://annunciation.schoolauction.net/acsbd/g/acsdirectory by September 30, 2024 to be included in the 2024-2025 business directory. Distribution will be by November 15, 2024. All artwork should be emailed by October 15, 2024 to Dena Wholey at dwholey@acsphx.org. For questions, please feel free to call 480-361-8234 Ext. 8112.

After School Clubs: From 3:10 – 4:10 pm

Other Fun Activities!

American Heritage Girls. All girls in grades K -12 are welcome. Service, Faith and Fun! 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month, 5:30pm – 7pm in Parish Hall. Next meeting is Tuesday, September 3..

Cactus Foothills Little League – Baseball, Softball and T-Ball! Ages 4-14. Visit www.cactusfoothills.com to register!

Violin lessons: If you are interested in your child receiving private violin lessons, Miss Bernadette Smith (parish music director)can provide them during recess or after school. Miss Smith is an ESA approved vendor, which means you may use ESA funds to pay for lessons. She can be reached at music@stgacc.org


Aftercare is available each full school day(not on half days) until 5:30pm  The cost is $10 per day per student. Students must be picked up by 5:30pm or you will be charged a late fee of $25. See our website for Extended Care information. 


Volunteerism is the backbone of our school community. We need your help especially for lunch/recess,  field trips, and school events.

To fulfill your service agreement please visit our Volunteer Info webpage to learn how to start/renew your Volunteer Certification and learn how to download the MobileServe App to volunteer and to record your service hours. 

Volunteer Opportunities

ACS Volunteers: We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers.   

  • Help Needed – Volunteers for lunch duty needed for the month of August and September.. Lunch duty opportunities are available at MobileServe. Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student!  Plus, we need your help! 
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Annunciation Catholic School

