Weekly Update – Friday, August 25, 2023

Hello ACS Families,

Here are your Updates for the week ending on Friday, August 25, 2023…

St. Gabriel Parish is looking for an office manager. Please visit this job posting on the parish website if you are interested.

What’s Happening?

August 25, Friday: CEA round 2 Applications are due. Visit fairapp.com to apply school. Once you login use code: 700, School password cea700

August 28, Monday: Fun Run planning meeting.  Open to all interested parents. Location: Parish Hall kitchen at 8am.

August 31, Wednesday: If you applied to CEA for round 2, tax documents are DUE on August 31, 2023. If you have any questions, contact the office.

September 1, Friday: Early dismissal 12 p.m. Staff meeting, no lunch, no aftercare.

September 4, Monday:  Labor Day no school.

September 8, Friday: Luminous Mysteries led by 7th Grade in the Church at 2:20pm 

Future Happenings:

September 10, Sunday:  High School Youth Night.  Bring your friends and snacks.  5pm-7:30pm meet in the Chapel.  RSVP:  Erik Ochoa 

September 11, Monday:  Middle School Youth Night in the Youth Center.  Determine the last man standing!  RSVP:  Erik Ochoa  [email protected]  (480)595-0883 ext.8219

September 12, Tuesday: ACS Dads Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at The Creek Patio Grill. Join fellow Dads to discuss upcoming events and activities for the new school year. RSVP to Mike Scagnoli by Friday, September 8 to [email protected] or [email protected]

September 13, Wednesday:  Fun Run Splash ‘n Dash Kick off.  Please read below.  More details to come.

September 17, Sunday: All School Mass @ 10:30 am. Pancake breakfast served by the Knights of Columbus after the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses.

September 28, 29 Thursday, Friday:  No School. K-8 Parent Teacher conferences. A sign up genius will be sent out separately.

Fun Run Fundraiser

Save the Date! “Splash ‘n Dash” Fun Run is coming up on September 22!

ACS is looking for Business Sponsors for the ACS World Changer “Splash ‘n Dash” Fun Run!

We are excited to announce the annual Fun Run theme this year is World Changers!  With so many future “World Changers” here at ACS, we are asking for your help in reaching our fundraising goal of $85,000! These funds help to enhance the learning experience and provide the teachers with learning resources needed within the classroom.

STEP 1: HELP US GET SPONSORS- If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to support ACS through sponsorship, share the Sponsorship Opportunity Letter with the benefits of being a sponsor.

STEP 2: BE A VOLUNTEER- Join the Fun Run Chair, Tasha Aronson for the first committee meeting on Monday, August 28, 2023, 8:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall Kitchen.

Student activities:

Clubs: After-school activities.  Review the ACS after school schedule for dates, grade eligibility, cost and registration. https://acsphx.org/extra-curricular-programs/

American Heritage Girls is open for new members! Girls in all grades are welcome!

Volunteer Opportunities

ACS Volunteers: We appreciate your help!

  • Complete your Safe Environment Training with CMGconnect
  • Returning volunteers: complete the renewal curriculum (Online Renewal for Lay Persons -Safe Haven Part 3) 
  • New families/1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training Safe Haven-It’s Up to You (all parts).  
  • New families, a face-to-face interview is also a part of the SET, a Sign Up Genius will come out in a separate email.  Your safe environment training must be completed prior to volunteering on campus.  This includes volunteering for driving on field trips, athletics – coaches, team mom, and in the classroom. 

Download the Mobileserve App! Signup for volunteer opportunities and is used to track all volunteer hours.  Parents, please create an account.  Instructions sheet.  With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.

  • To sign up for Lunch Duty, View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available.  Thank you for being part of the ACS Community. URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty August 28-31!  Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student!  Plus, we need your help!  Please sign up to volunteer for Lunch Duty in August 2023. If the Mobile Serve is not working, please email [email protected] the dates you would be available to volunteer for lunch duty.
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Annunciation Catholic School

