Weekly Update – Friday, March 17, 2023

Hello ACS Families,

Here are your updates for the week ending on Friday, March 17, 2023…also available on the school website under Quick Links.

Parents, please help us assess our schools’ Catholic Identity by completing this quick, anonymous survey. Your feedback is valued and appreciated.

Follow this link to the survey, please.

March 19, Sunday All School Family Mass 10:30am at St. Gabriel Catholic Church.  All are welcome.  Free dress on Monday for those who wear full ACS uniform to Mass.  (Please adhere to school guidelines for non-uniform dress.)

What’s Happening?

Strong Minds Run Club It’s not too late to sign up!  This club transforms traditional running drills and games to teach character strength and empowerment principles including confidence, resilience, integrity, growth mindset, and goal setting to name a few! Students will get a great workout while having FUN, fresh air, and a chance to practice invaluable life lessons.

Register NOW: https://strongmindsrunclub.com/store/acs-spring_2023

Every Monday & Wednesday Evening: Middle School and High School Youth Group led by Eric Ochoa 6pm – 8pm in the Youth Center.  Join us for fellowship, friendship and fun!

Annunciation Lenten Stations of the Cross.

All are welcome to join us in the Church!

Friday, March 242:20 p.m.Led by 4th grade
Friday, March 312:00 p.m.Led by 7th grade

Parish Lenten Stations of the Cross followed by a Meatless Meal.

All are welcome to join us in the Church! Dinner in the parish social hall except on March 24 it will be in the Youth Center.

Friday, March 175:30 p.m.Hosted by That Man is You & the Mom’s Group
Friday, March 245:30 p.m.Hosted by Youth Group/Catechesis program (held in the Youth Center)
Friday, March 315:30 p.m.Hosted by the Annunciation 7th grade

March 9 – 22:  Spring/Easter See’s Candy fundraiser! Time to think of Easter gifts for all those special people in your life!   Please make checks payable to Annunciation Catholic School. Once completed, return the order form with payment to the home room teacher or school office. Order forms and payments are due back by March 22nd.  Thank you for your support! We love our ACS families! 

March 24 (Friday): Feast Of The Annunciation Mass at 8:15 am Friday  (No school daily Mass on Wednesday), Pancakes served to students & staff at lunch.  Hosted by the Catholic Identity Committee and pancakes cooked by the Dad’s Club.  No need to send lunch with your student unless they will not eat it. (School hot lunches have been cancelled.  Your account will be credited).   In honor of Mary, students are asked to wear a plain white t-shirt or polo on this day, a “WHITE-OUT”.  See attached flyer for more details.  While celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, we will also have a special Feast of the Annunciation Service Project!   For many years, ACS has enjoyed supporting St. Michael Indian School on the Navajo Reservation.  This year, we’d like to continue our support and gather some art and school supplies for their students and many programs.  To make it easy, we’re providing an Amazon Wish List as well as bins around the school to donate your supplies. As always, participation is completely optional!  The flier is attached.

March 24 & 25, (Fri & Sat):  ACS presents the production of Madagascar Jr.  Production times:  7pm Friday and 2pm and 7pm Saturday. Mark the dates.  Madagascar Jr Purchase Tickets   Come support the Arts for a fun performance and support your student’s classmates.  General seating $15 and VIP $25  Concessions available prior to the show, at intermission, and afterwards. CASH ONLY!

Future Happenings

March 27- April 5:  ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills):  All students in grades 1-8 will take the ITBS starting on March 27. Times and days may vary depending on the grade but typically start at 8:15. Students should be well rested and eat a proper breakfast. Please do not pull your student for appointments during this week. It is important that students complete these examinations in full.

April 1 (Saturday): Save the Date for the annual Annunciation Evening Under the Stars “The Joker’s Wild”. Don’t miss the food, the music, the comedian, and the amazing auction! Get your tickets at https://annunciation.schoolauction.net/eus2023/

We are in need of wine bottle donations for our Wine Toss at the Evening Under the Stars. Please drop them off to Keli at the office anytime.

Volunteer opportunities will be available through MobileServe. We need volunteers to help with laundering and ironing tablecloths (You may pick up now at the office), setup and decorating for Evening Under the Stars starting Monday 3/27.

April 6 (Thursday): Early dismissal at 12 pm. No lunch, no aftercare.

April 6 (Thursday): ACS Field Day! Volunteers are needed and will be available on MobileServe in the coming weeks.

April 29 – May 7 Spring Food Drive:  As the summer months approach food stores such as Fry’s, Safeway, and Walmart will cut back on their food inventories, which in turn reduces their food donations to the Foothills Food Bank, in Cave Creek. To offset this, Annunciation School, SVdP, and the Knights of Columbus will combine efforts and conduct a food driveThe purpose is to replenish those lowering food levels, which in turn are allocated for “those in need”.   Thank you for your support.

May 5 (Friday): Talent Show rescheduled from Catholic Schools Week.  Showtime is 10:45 am. Noon dismissal.  Performance information sheets will be available soon.  Start thinking of the talent you’d like to share.

Lunch Program

Our new Lunch Program is now available through Dishes 2U.  Meals may be purchased up to 11am the day prior.  There are 5 vendors each serving 1 day of the week.  When you purchase your student’s meals, please make sure you go to your cart and submit.  The cart should be empty.  If there is anything left in the cart, it will not be ordered and therefore no lunch for your student.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call Dishes 2U customer care or the office.  Starting April 1st, Chick-Fil-A every other Tuesday, in addition to the current vendors.Volunteer Opportunities
Evening Under the Stars: The Evening Under the Stars-The Joker’s Wild- will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2023. A lot of fun things are planned for this event.  If you are interested in being part of the team, please email Keli McCann at [email protected].  Volunteers are needed for the following committees; Auction, Donations, Sponsorships, Baskets, Setup, and Clean up.

ACS Volunteers
Complete your Safe Environment Training withCMGconnect.  All training is online – renewal (Online Renewal for Lay Persons -Safe Haven Part 3) and 1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training Safe Haven-It’s Up to You. Your safe environment training must be completed prior to volunteering on campus. Please complete it as soon as possible.  

MobileServe App is used to track all volunteer hours.  Parents, please create an account. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.  View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available.  Thank you for being part of the ACS Community.  URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty through March!  Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student!  Plus, we need your help!  Please visit MobileServe and look for Lunch

Duty March 2023.

Have a great weekend!!

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Annunciation Catholic School

