Weekly Update – Friday, November 18, 2022

Here are your updates for the week ending on Friday, November 18, 2022…

What’s Happening?

November 20 (Sunday): @ 8:30 am all school Mass. Mark your calendars and please join us!

November 16 – 29: Christmas wreaths Please join American Heritage Girls Troop AZ0015 in honoring our local heroes and veterans!  We would be honored if you would sponsor a wreath to be placed on a veteran’s grave this Christmas at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona.  Just scan the QR code or go to www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/AZ0229P by November 29, 2022.  A portion of each sponsorship will benefit our Troop.  We hope to honor, remember, and pray for as many veterans as possible this Christmas as we lay these wreaths upon their graves.  Thank you! May God Bless America!

November 22, Tuesday: Annual Thanksgiving meal (for students only) provided by a generous ACS Family. Students will have turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, mac-n-cheese and dessert. Provide a sack lunch only if your student will not eat this meal.

November 10-20: Sock Religious Fundraiser Order your sock religious by Sunday https://stores.inksoft.com/acsfund  See attached flier.

November 23, Wednesday: Noon dismissal. No aftercare.

November 24-25, Thur., Fri.: Thanksgiving break. No school.

December 15, Thursday:  Christmas Concert: Annunciation Catholic School Honors the Holy Family.  Student attire: Guys in ties and girls in their holiday best!

SEE’s Candies 2022 Winter Fundraising: It’s time for ACS holiday See’s Candy fundraiser! A little something yummy for you plus helping our school by simply shopping! Time to think about Christmas presents for all those special people in your life!  Show your gratitude to your neighbors, teachers, mail people, etc. Your student will be bringing home a See’s lyer and order form in the next couple days.  It is also attached.  Completed forms return to the school office or your student’s teacher. Make checks payable to Annunciation Catholic School. Order forms and payments are due back by November 30th, 2022.  Thank you as always for your support! We love our ACS families!

ACS Angel Athletics:  The ACS Angels boys’ basketball season kicked off this past week with several home and away games. Congratulations to our Angels for their hard work and school spirit!  If you would like to cheer on our boys’ basketball teams, the full schedule is available on the ACS website at https://acsphx.org/athletics/  Go Angels!

The Matthew Project:  Helping Arizona Catholic schools support the learning programs of our students with special needs.  See attached giving letter. Annunciation was a recipient of a grant from the Matthew Project, and we are very grateful for this important resource. Please consider a donation to this wonderful and much needed program. 

Future Happenings  

Soccer Shots spring session 2023 Jan 11 – May 24 on Wednesdays after school.  See attached flier for registration.

Volunteer Opportunities

Evening Under the Stars – The Evening Under the Stars-The Joker’s Wild- will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2023. A lot of fun things are planned for this event.  If you are interested in being part of the team, please email Keli McCann at [email protected].  Volunteers are needed for the following committees: Auction, Donations, Sponsorships, Baskets, Setup, and Clean up. 

ACS Volunteers:  We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers.   

  • Complete your Safe Environment Training with  CMGconnect .   All training is online – renewal (Online Renewal for Lay Persons -Safe Haven Part 3) and 1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training Safe Haven-It’s Up to You.  Instructions are attached.   Your safe environment training must be completed prior to volunteering on campus. Please complete it as soon as possible.   
  • MobileServe App is used to track all volunteer hours.  Parents, please create an account.  Instructions are attached. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.  View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available.  Thank you for being part of the ACS Community.  URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty for Nov 14-18!  Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer, meet new friends and see your student!  Plus, we need your help!  Please sign up to volunteer for Lunch Duty in November.
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Annunciation Catholic School

