Hello ACS Families,
Here are your Updates for the week ending on Friday, October 15, 2021…
What’s Happening?
October 17, Sunday: ACS Family Mass at 10:30 am at St. Gabriel’s. All are welcome. Students are encouraged to wear their school uniform. October 21, Thursday: K-5 conference starting at noon. Noon dismissal for K-5 only. No lunch for K-5. (MS has a full day of school.) Sign up genius was sent out. Contact the office if you did not receive it.
October 22, Friday: K-5 conference: K-5 students no school. (MS has a full day of school.) Sign up genius was sent out. Contact the office if you did not receive it.
October 23, Saturday: Dads Club Annual Campus Cleanup Day, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. RSVP or for more details, email: [email protected]October 29, 30 Friday, Saturday: Wild West Book Fair begins. Book Fair will be open during Truck and Treat 5:30 pm – 8 pm.October 30, Saturday: Trunk or Treat after the 4:30 pm Mass. Decorate your car and hand out treats to the kids! Buy your parking lot space today! Or just come to Trick or Treat! All participants must register. Pizza dinner available to purchase. Read the Trunk or Treat flyer attached for more details. The school book fair will be open during the event! Volunteer Opportunities – We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers!
- Complete your Safe Environment Training with CMGconnect . All training is online – renewal (2021-2022 Online Renewal for Lay Persons “A Safe Side of the Line.”) and 1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training “A Time to Protect.”. Your safe environment training must be complete prior to volunteering on campus. Please complete it as soon as possible.
- Mobileserve App is used to track all volunteer hours. Parents please create an account. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.
- View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available. Thank you for being part of the ACS Community.
- URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty in October! This week we need 4 on 10/18, 2 on 10/19 and 3 on 10/20, and 3 on 10/21, 22 (Only Middle School) Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer and meet new friends and we need you! Please sign up to volunteer at Lunch Duty.
Box Tops for Education:
Did you know that you can earn funds for ACS by simply taking part in the Box Tops for Education Program? It’s such an amazing program that assists schools in increasing their funds. The funds that are earned can then be used and put towards something the school needs. ACS is hoping to raise $1,000 this year in order to purchase a “Sports Field” for all of the ACS students to utilize. Here’s what we need you to do:1.) Download the Box Tops for Education app and select ACS as your school of choice. Then, whenever you purchase groceries, simply scan your shopping receipt and any items that were purchased with the Box Tops label on them will earn funds that go directly to ACS. 2.) Box Tops is currently doing all they can to go digital, so the app is the easiest way to earn money for ACS. However, there are some Box Tops items out there with the “Old School” label. If you cut out the unexpired label and send it to the school office, those may also earn more funds for ACS. 3.) Do you find that you just don’t have the time to scan your grocery receipt? No problem! Just send in your grocery receipt and I’d be happy to scan the receipt in for you. Should you have any questions, or need any further assistance with the Box Tops for Education Program, please feel free to reach out to Megan Connell (the second grade teacher and Box Tops coordinator at ACS). Thank you for helping to support ACS and the Box Tops for Education Program.
Save the date:
- November 3, Wednesday: No school Mass. We will celebrate together on Friday.
- November 5, Friday: All Saints Day Celebration and Grandparents’ Day: If grandparents are unable to attend, other special guests are welcome to attend (e.g. aunts/uncles, friends of the family)
8:15 – All School Mass (No school Mass on Nov. 3) No free dress. 8th graders in light blue polo.9:15 – Parade of Saints – Kindergarten9:30 – Meet some Saints – 1st grade9:45 – Refreshments for Grandparents & Special Guests; students return to classrooms10:30 – Grandparents/Guests visit classrooms and shop at the book fair12:00 – Dismissal for students
- November 12 & 13 Our Lady of Joy Christmas Bazaar 9 am – 4 pm Over 60 vendors, food and drink, many Christmas decor and present ideas. flyer attached.
- December 16, Thursday: ACS Christmas Concert in the new church. (Previously scheduled on December 15, Wednesday.)
Have a great weekend!
Annunciation Catholic School Office32648 N Cave Creek Road Cave Creek, AZ 85331