Hello ACS Families,
Here are your Updates for the week ending on Friday, September 17, 2021…
What’s Happening?
September 19, Sunday – Catechetical Sunday. All School Mass 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. Please pray with us at Mass and bless our teachers at Catechetical Sunday!
September 21, Tuesday – American Heritage Girls meet in the ministry building from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Girls will be walked over after school. Please do not forget to wear your uniform to school and pack a healthy snack.
September 21, Tuesday – Praying with the Saints. Led by Mrs. Cullen. Come, learn and fellowship. 6:30pm ends with Adoration at 7:30pm.
September 24, Friday – Community Prayer led by 7th grade at 8:10 am in the lunch pavillon. Presentation of Fruit of the Spirit JOY. All are welcome to attend.
September 24, Friday – Planning Meeting for Evening Under the Stars (largest school fundraiser.) at 8 am – 9am. in the Ministry Building. Great way to meet new friends and earn many volunteer hours.
September 30 and October 1 Thurs & Fri – Middle School Conferences. No school for middle school students only. Sign up genius for conferences coming in separate email. K-5 students have full day of school both days.
October 2, Saturday – Fr. Chad’s birthday! Happy Birthday and many blessings, Fr. Chad!
ACTION NEEDED: Important Information:
- Private Affidavit (new students only) and Transportation of Minor(all students) forms need to be notarized. Original documents need to be dropped off to the office. The forms are attached for your convenience.
- All students that require Epipens and/or Inhaler should bring one (labeled with your child’s name) to school with appropriate paperwork. K-5 students’ epipens/inhalers will be stored in classroom first aid kits. 6-8 must carry their epipens/inhalers with them at all times. Follow this link for all health related forms.
Volunteer Opportunities
We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers!
- Complete your Safe Environment Training with CMGconnect . All training is online – renewal (2021-2022 Online Renewal for Lay Persons “A Safe Side of the Line.”) and 1st time volunteers: Online Foundation Training “A Time to Protect.”. Instructions are attached. Your safe environment training must be complete prior to volunteering on campus. Please complete it as soon as possible.
- Mobileserve App is used to track all volunteer hours. Parents please create an account. Instructions are attached. With your account, you’ll be able to view and sign up for events at the school.
- View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available. Thank you for being part of the ACS Community. URGENT: We need volunteers for lunch duty in September ! This week we need 4 – on the 20, 21, 27, 28; 3 on the 23rd; 1 on the 24th and 29th. Lunchtime is an easy way to volunteer and meet new friends and we need you! Please sign up to volunteer at Lunch Duty.
- October 5, Friday: Fun Run See the attached letter from Fun Run Chair, Chelsea Cordell. Please follow the sign up genius to donate some items for the day of the run! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44ADA923A0FA7-funrun
ACS Fun Run fundraiser kicks off in 3 weeks on October 5th. Our goal is to raise $58,000 for our Resource Program and to strengthen our school community. Our friends at Booster will power our fundraiser to make it more profitable, fun, and easy for everyone!
Here’s what all students can get excited about:
- Fun, engaging character development lessons
- A high-energy event to give our school a much needed boost of fun!
If your family feels it’s not in the position to financially support the school, that’s ok. Families can actually support our school by also SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and family online. Sharing IS supporting.
Fun Run key dates to remember:
- 10/1 Registration Opens – Register on MYBOOSTER.COM
- 10/1 Donating Starts – Share with your family and friends
- 10/5 Fundraiser Kick Off –
- 10/15 Event Day – Mark your calendar! All are invited and encouraged to attend.
- Thank you for supporting ACS through the Fun Run
Save the date:
- September 24, Friday: Last day to submit Original Works, an art fundraiser. An Order packet with art work was sent home this week. If you have not received it, please contact your homeroom teacher.
- October 2, Saturday: Harold’s Corral Presents Oktoberfest Charity Event. 6 pm – 11 pm. More details are coming soon.
- October 6, Wednesday: Dine Out Fundraiser. Chipotle on Carefree Hwy. Dine in or Order online to make it a family night! 33% of sales comes back to ACS! Use the Chipotle Flyer Thank you for your support. Hwy.
- October 8,11 Friday and Monday: No School. Educator’s Day and Columbus Day, respectively.
- October 21 Thursday: K-5 conference starting at noon. Noon dismissal for K-5 only. No lunch for K-5. (MS has full day of school.) Sign up genius for conference times will come in a separate email
- October 22 Friday: K-5 conference: K-5 students no school. (MS has full day of school.)
- October 29, 30 Friday, Saturday: Wild West Book Fair begins. Book Fair will be open during Truck and Treat 5:30 pm – 8 pm.
- November 5, Friday: All Saints Day Celebration and Grandparents’ Day
If grandparents are unable to attend, other special guests are welcome to attend (e.g. aunts/uncles, friends of the family
8:15 – All School Mass (No school Mass on Nov. 3)
9:15 – Parade of Saints – Kindergarten9:30 – Meet some Saints – 1st grade9:45 – Refreshments for Grandparents & Special Guests; students return to classrooms
10:30 – Grandparents/Guests visit classrooms and shop at the book fair
12:00 – Dismissal for students
- December 16, Thursday: ACS Christmas Concert in the new church. (Previously scheduled on December 15, Wednesday.)
Have a great weekend!