Weekly Update – October 8, 2020

Here are your Updates for the week ending on Friday, October 9, 2020

What’s Happening?

October 9 & 12, Fri & Mon:  No School.  October 9 was previously scheduled as a half day now a day off due to Educators Day, Teacher’s In Service.

October 13, Tuesday: Vibrant Vinnies 3:15pm-4:15pm on ACS campus (room location TBD).   Contact Angel Vogelsang,  [email protected]

October 18, Sunday:  ACS Family Mass 10:30 a.m. at St. Gabriel Catholic Church.  Students in uniform may have free dress on Monday.  The sign up for the attendance count  is full.  Please email [email protected], if you’d like to be placed on a waitlist.  

October 22, Thursday: Noon dismissal K-5. No school for Middle School students (6th-8th grade)Parent Teacher Conferences – Middle School conferences all day.  K-5 conferences in PM. A sign up genius has been sent out.  Reach out to your teacher if you have not received the sign up Conference email.

October 23, Friday:  No school K-8Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences all day. Sign UP geniuses have been sent out, please email teachers if you have questions.

October 26, Monday:  $1 (minimum) Free Dress to support 8th Grade expenses (trip to Grand Canyon, class gift, Year end luncheon).  Thank you in advance for your support.

ACS  Volunteers:  We appreciate all of our ACS volunteers.

  • Complete your Safe Environment Training with CMGconnect.  Renewal SET curriculum is 2020-2021 Online Renewal.  Your user name format is firstname.lastname.dop.  The initial foundation class for first time volunteers is also on line this year; curriculum is 2020-2021 Initial Foundation   Instructions are attached.   Your safe environment training must be complete prior to volunteering on campus.
  • We are using Mobileserve (new this year) to track all volunteer hours.  Parents please create an account.  Instructions are attached.
  • Lunch duty-October has open slots.  Please sign up for Lunch Duty via Mobile Serve –  open slots each.    Thank you for your assistance.
  • View and join the volunteer opportunities that are available.  Thank you for being part of the ACS Community.

ACS Dad’s Club
ACS Dads Club virtual meeting, Tuesday, October 13, 6:30 p.m. Join to discuss activities at our school, with a particular focus on reviewing timeline and support efforts needed for the upcoming move into the new building. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/79654565476?pwd=eis4M1U3UlV5SFdsQlFETmUydExtdz09Meeting ID: 796 5456 5476     Passcode: 4kkqAxIf you have any questions or just want to touch base or learn more about the Dads Club, please email Mike Scagnoli at [email protected].

ROCKtober Dance Challenge

  • Pledging is open now through October 16!
  • The total amount pledged as of this morning:  $18,282.55!
  • STATS:  Registered students = 64%;  Participation = 48% and Amount to Goal =  35%  Register and share the link with friends and extended family online at funrun.com.  
  • 10/16 – ACS Rocktober Dance Challenge

EXTENDEDAFTER CARE:  Please provide a snack or two with your student, if they are going to aftercare.  There are no snacks available at the school to give to your student.

Our Lady of Joy Preschool is opening a new preschool class in January 2021 for three year olds. This class is held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m.to 2:15 p.m. We focus on social skills, creative play, age appropriate academics and a solid faith formation program. To learn more about our program, please call the preschool office at 480-595-6409 and visit www.oloj.org/preschool.  Thank you for supporting OLOJ Preschool!
High School Open House and Virtual Visits:  

Xavier College Preparatory – Open House:  October 25, 2020 12 – 3 p.m. See flyer for details. Xavier Info Socials – Various dates and locations.  See flyer for details and RSVP information.

Campus Update:  Construction continues to move quickly.  Check out our new playground being installed! 

new playground installation 10.8.20.jpg

Annunciation Catholic School Office

32648 N Cave Creek Road Cave Creek, AZ  85331

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Annunciation Catholic School

